Stuck on pikes peak, women drivers....
Seven Falls
Kris n Pita
Joey, Kris n Erik
On the USS Lexington during the filming of the movie Pearl Harbor
Murray hanging out
New years 00'
Kris is lit!!
Dad and AJ boy
Joey n Michelle
Ron n Joann
Roy n Chris
Near Rockport
Rockport again
At the Mc Nay
At the Mc Nay 2
5 mins after...
Wedding day
Coke store vegas
On the USS Missouri
Arizona Memorial
Mighty Mo's offense
Honolulu market square
Pearl harbor
View from our cabin
Honeymoon memories
Devil woman!!
Outside of Colorado Springs
Pass me the TP
Royal Gorge store
The good ole days..
Mom, Dad and Christina
Nap time!
Papa Grosso